
The 'Art of Pleasure' project, initiated by Revolutionístas and partly supported by the City of Austin, showcases diverse creativity, fosters community connections, and contributes to the evolving narrative of pleasure as an integral part of the human experience. This one-night art exhibition, inspired by adrienne maree brown's 'Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good,' is designed to be reflective and celebratory and features surprise performances, cumbia dance music from skilled DJs, and local food and drinks. We invite artists from all walks of life, particularly BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, and other marginalized communities, to challenge societal norms and enrich dialogues around joy, liberation, and sexual freedom.

Inspiration From Pleasure Activism by adrienne maree brown
brown explores the idea that finding and experiencing joy is not only a measure of freedom but also a powerful form of resistance. This philosophy forms the bedrock of our exhibition, guiding our approach to celebrating pleasure as a fundamental human right and as a form of activism. Her vision of pleasure as a transformative force perfectly aligns with our goals, encouraging art that explores themes such as consent, body positivity, and the destigmatization of sexuality.

Our Values and Mission
Revolutionistas intersects art, education, and community engagement, redefining social advocacy. Our debut event, 'Art of Pleasure', kick-starts our mission to place pleasure at the heart of human rights discourse, paving the way for an interactive online platform and a series of community events. Our focus is on empowering diverse voices through art exhibitions, performances, and workshops, targeting crucial issues like comprehensive sex education, reproductive rights, and the decriminalization of sex work. We are dedicated to creating an inclusive community where joy and pleasure are universally accessible, challenging societal norms and dismantling oppressive systems.

In partnership with organizations like Nightlife Therapy and Witty Bimbo, we commit to fostering respectful and inclusive environments. Revolutionistas blends art and activism, using pleasure activism to address and challenge societal issues. We are more than event organizers or an online platform; we are cultivating a movement where education, activism, and art converge for substantial societal change. Our vision extends to shaping a world where joy and pleasure are universally equitable, driving a narrative of empowerment and liberation.

the organizers

This event is organized in collaboration with forward-thinking groups committed to pleasure activism and social justice.

Ari newman

Ari Newman, a dedicated artist and co-founder of Revolutionístas, channels their creativity to challenge norms and celebrate the beauty of diversity, weaving joy, liberation, and sexual freedom into their artistic expression.


Alemania Michel, a committed pleasure activist and co-founder of Revolutionístas, is dedicated to creating inclusive experiences that empower communities and advancing the cause of embracing and celebrating personal autonomy and freedom.


Loria Mendoza is a chicanx curator, art activation co-curator of LLCreative, and host of @redlightlit: a small press performance series exploring love, relationships, sexuality, and gender.

Our partners

We’re thrilled to join forces with like-minded organizations passionately championing pleasure activism and social justice to make this event possible.

  • @wittybimbo

    An Austin-based non-profit that fosters community, healing, and education among sex workers.


    TEN 501(c)(3) is a Texas-based non-profit offering free therapy, career consultation, and life coaching to nightlife entertainers, focusing on women and LGBTQIA+ individuals.